We are looking for a clinician with an interest in developing research aligned to improving the nation’s health through sport, exercise and physical activity.
The East Midlands hub of the NCSEM, based at Loughborough University, is a newly constructed, state of the art centre with clinical, research and educational facilities designed specifically to encourage the speedy translation of sport and exercise science research into clinical practice.
As part of our commitment to this translation of research into public/patient benefit, we are pleased to offer a clinical PhD studentship funded through a catalyst grant from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE).
The studentship will be supervised by two Loughborough University academics and one clinician and will fit within one of the NCSEM-EM research foci:
- Exercise as an intervention in the prevention and management of chronic disease
- Musculoskeletal trauma and exercise rehabilitation
- Exercise medicine for physical and mental health and well being
- Nutrition: from healthy living to athletic performance
The studentship will start in September 2016 and will be based at the NCSEM-EM at Loughborough University.
How to apply
Applicants must have a relevant clinical degree with appropriate clinical experience. The studentship provides a clinical salary over 3 years at the appropriate level for the appointed candidate along with any associated fees. International (non-EU) students may apply but will need to find the difference in fees between those for a UK/EU and international student themselves.
If you are interested in applying, please complete an application form outlining your proposed project and identifying two Loughborough University academics who could supervise (see list of academic profiles).
For informal enquiries, please contact Professor Mark Lewis, Dean of the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences at Loughborough University – dean-ssehs@lboro.ac.uk
The closing date for applications is Thursday 30 June 2016. Please submit your application to ncsem-em@lboro.ac.uk