We are holding a series of public lectures in 2017 presented by academics from Loughborough University.
The events in the series are as follows – more information will be available nearer to each event:
13 September 2017
Contemporary issues surrounding lifestyle and health in children
Presented by Dr Lauren Sherar, Senior Lecturer in Physical Activity and Public Health, Loughborough University.
1 November 2017
Cardiac risks of excessive exercise: can too much physical activity really damage the heart?
Presented by Professor David Stensel, Professor of Exercise Metabolism, Loughborough University.
6 December 2017
When all else fails: the role of drugs and surgery in the war against obesity
Presented by Dr James King, Lecturer in Exercise Physiology, Loughborough University.
All events will take place in Room U0.05 Brockington Building, Loughborough University, starting at 6.25pm. To book a place on any of the lectures, contact Alison Stanley on a.stanley@lboro.ac.uk or 01509 226445.