Last week, Professor Vicky Tolfrey from Loughborough University’s Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport presented the first of an innovative new series of accessible video guidelines specifically tailored to persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) at the Annual BSPRM BASCIS conference.
Vicky’s short presentation at the event was the first public launch of the video project co-produced with patients, physiotherapy and medical staff as well as further academics from Loughborough University, Dr Sven Hoekstra and Dr David Maidment.
The commissioned videos feature feature patients with SCI from a range of backgrounds, ages and physical abilities (including a Paralympic wheelchair rugby athlete) to enhance the feeling of relatedness among the viewers.
Working with Vicki Middleton at the Sheffield Spinal Injury Centre, the videos are highly personable. Each video focuses on the inspirational narrative of the featured individual’s stories, whether that’s relearning how to use a knife and fork, or beginning a journey into sport and physical activity again, underpinned by the exercise guidelines from the PHC.
The videos aim to provide persons with SCI with an introduction to physical activity, including tips on where to find exercise opportunities, how to start, plan and set goals, and where to find social support throughout the process from those going through a similar experience.
Vicky also showcased a draft of an accompanying infographic that has been co-produced by a commissioned illustrator for the initiative.