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January gyms: Over half of Brits go to the gym to manage a health condition

Woman weightlifting at the gym

Working off the winter mince pies and jumping back into new fitness routines sees millions of Brits head to the gym to start their year in the right way. But today, motivations go far deeper than just getting in shape, according to new research from ukactive.

While many people’s New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get in shape remains crucial for improving health, ukactive’s Consumer Engagement Polling of more than 2,000 adults carried out by Savanta reveals the new driving forces for millions when it comes to getting active.

The research shows that more than half of Brits (55%) say that their gym membership is important in helping them to manage a short- or long-term health condition, indicating that millions are realising the benefits of exercise to prevent, improve and manage serious health conditions.

The key motivating factors also extend beyond the physical, with 78% of respondents saying that improving their mental health and wellbeing – including managing anxiety and/or depression – was important in their decision to take out a gym membership.