Physical activity can safely be recommended to women during and after pregnancy and had no negative impact on breastfeeding postpartum. Physical activity choices should reflect activity levels pre-pregnancy and should include strength training.
Vigorous activity is not recommended for previously inactive women. After the 6 to 8 week postnatal check, and depending on how the woman feels, more intense activities can gradually resume, i.e. building up intensity from moderate to vigorous over a minimum period of at least three months.
Physical activity guidelines for pregnant women
- Throughout pregnancy women should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity every week.
- Pregnant women should do muscle strengthening activities twice a week.
Chief Medical Officers’ infographic
An infographic has been created to help health professionals explain the type and amount of physical activity that is beneficial for health during pregnancy.
Physical activity guidelines for women after childbirth from birth to 12 months
- After pregnancy women should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity every week.
- After pregnancy women should start pelvic floor exercises as soon as you can and continue daily.
- After pregnancy pregnant women should build back up to muscle strengthening activities twice a week.
Chief Medical Officers’ infographic
An infographic has been created to help health professionals explain the type and amount of physical activity that is beneficial for health after giving birth.